Project INCEPTION is developing a new flight controller concept, based on incremental control techniques and basic nominal aircraft data, that is able to adapt itself to the system’s configuration and to operate safely within the physically feasible limits. The Consortium believes that the outcome of this Project will provide major contributions towards safer and more reliable flight control systems in the future.
Nowadays, the design of autopilots is model-based, i.e. based on the information on the dynamics of the aircraft. Reduction of the dependence on nominal aircraft model data in INCEPTION makes the controller less sensitive to model mismatch. In addition, fast adaptation methods with advanced identification and fault detection algorithms enable not only system’s reconfiguration following the failure scenarios but also prediction and adaptation to safe regime of operation, even in the presence of unprecedented and unknown failures. By incorporating the general physical knowledge about the flight system dynamics (aircraft type, flight envelope) together with INCEPTION’s modular control laws, the basis for platform-independent autopilot is being developed, which reduces the expenses in the development process, flight testing and parameter identification required for autopilot design. This innovative approach enables the development of generic flight control systems providing protection in case of adverse conditions, such as system failures and is easily transferable to different aircraft.
INCEPTION flight controller analyze the situation in order to define the most suitable solution and following actions.
Project reference: 723515
Project name: Incremental Nonlinear Flight Control Supplemented with Envelope Protection
Project start date: 01/06/2017
Project duration: 36 months (+ 6 months)
Call for proposal: H2020-MG-2016-Two-Stages
Topic: MG-1-4-2016-2017 - Breakthrough innovation
Funding scheme: Research and Innovation Action
Total cost: 2 386 456.25 €
EU Contribution: 2 386 456.25 €
Project coordinator: TEKEVER (Portugal)
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (H2020-MG-2016-Two-Stages) under grant agreement No. 723515. This publication/multimedia product/presentation reflects the views of the author, and the European Union cannot be held responsible for any use which might be made of the information contained therein.